Eager to Spread the Good News

14 hours ago

Have you ever been really excited to share the word of God with people outside of your immediate environment? For example, you are going to visit relatives out of town and you are anxiously waiting to share with them how excited you are that you have decided to give your life to Christ. You just can't wait to share how God is moving in your life and your family's lives. If you have this experience and you are constantly looking for ways to share the Gospel of Jesus, then you are on your way to becoming an effective evangelist for Christ.

We are all called by Jesus to serve God in one capacity or another. To share our relationship we have with Him with others. We do this because it is God's will that we spread the gospel. We do this because we love our Triune God and want to live with Him in heaven. God created man so that we may glorify His Holy name.

This week we are going to deep dive into the book of Romans. Paul takes us through his journey via Caesarea, Crete, Malta, Sicily and finally Rome where he was under house arrest for two years released to preach and then martyred during the reign of Nero by beheading.

Paul understood that Jesus called him to preach to the Jews and the Gentiles. One of his points to the Roman Christians is that the gospel of Jesus reaches every ear whether you are educated, foolish or uneducated. God's word will always penetrate your soul. So, verse 14 becomes a key point in the Roman letter. Additionally, the point that Paul makes is the gospel of Jesus will be heard by everyone through God's power and will. This includes the Barbarians which were viewed as idiots in the Greco-Roman society along with slaves who were considered men without honor.

If you are someone who has the desire to share the word of God, I would highly encourage you to seek the Lord to find out what your spiritual gifts are. Ask God to give you opportunities to do His work and to always keep you in His will. If we keep our eyes on the ultimate prize we will never fail to see the opportunities that God puts before us. Paul recognized a large mission filed in Spain but was waiting for the Lord to send him there. Paul was prayerful, obedient and faithful in knowing God would open the doors for him. Unfortunately, God's plan had more to it than even Paul could see and his mission ended in Rome

My prayer is that we seek the Lord for everything we do. In our walk with Him that we recognize His power and His glory. I pray that He breathe life into us each day to grow our relationship with Him. I pray that we would always put God first in all that we do. That the mission God has for each one of us is clear and we will be faithful and obedient trusting in the Lord. In Jesus mighty Name Amen! Amen!

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