Atomic Biscuits - 20240714 - Red Sparrows

7 months ago

This week was full of political rhetoric here in the States as the world-sized chess game pushes us ever closer to annihilation in Ukraine, the South China Sea, and the Middle East. Dueling appearances by the old geezer show begging for your vote has turned American politics into a Punch & Judy theater which just numbs the minds of those watching. Polarized and ready to fight, Americans were treated to propaganda moves and countermoves. Those with the reigns on the District of Columbia aren't quite done milking taxpayers and need the shield of Presidential powers to keep their freedom and ill-gotten gains.
In the wake of Supreme Court decisions like Chevron, a renewed vigor to tear down the overpopulated, overpowered Executive branch is underway. And (le gasp) it looks like DEI will be removed from all federal agencies.
The Brennan-Clapper files got more exposure as the world got to see how America's own spy tools were turned on peaceful protestors at J6...if your phone pinged anywhere in the general area, you were under investgation. What seems to be happening is the house we allowed them to build, the one that is meant to protect us, is being brought down around us, threatening to kill us. What happens when these fools get control of our space-based defensive capabilities; what could they do with the American Iron Dome, could it be turned on us as well? And would they destroy everything to protect themselves? Of course they only need to look at every major international conflict in the past 100 years to know that "war never changes" because it is a tool weilded by some of the oldest banksters on the planet, and they use it to thin the herd to increase the value of their accumlation.

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