Why Are We Here? – A Scary Truth Behind the Original Bible Story – Anunnaki – The Evidence

3 months ago

How can it be there are ANCIENT stories that Parallel the Bible?

Why didn’t these ancient stories mention God?

Could the Judaism and Christianity stories of God be a retelling of our ancestors close encounters with Extraterrestrials?

In 1896, scholar Nathaniel Schmidt was fired from his position of Semitic Languages from Colgate University. Nathaniel had been there for 11 years teaching Semitic languages. He delivered courses in Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic, Arabic, Syriac and many other ancient languages.

Nathaniel Schmidt was one of America’s leading scholars in the field.

Why after he taught for 11 years was he tried for Heresy (beliefs or opinions that contradict orthodox religions, especially Christianity)?

He was fired in 1896, even when he had tenure.

The authorities considered that his recent theological papers have struck at the very roots of two religions; Christianity and Judaism.

Nathaniel read the Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian scripts and noticed that they were full of fascinating parallels, stories that occurred there were very similar to all the stories in the beginning of the bible.

Stories like Adam and Eve, Cain and Able, the Flood, the Limiting of human life, the event at the Tower of Babel and Schmidt found out that it was these ancient Sumerian stories from over 6,000 years ago that very well could be the source for all the biblical stories.

This didn’t go well with the Church.

Both Judaism and Christianity find their roots in the family of Abraham and Sarah.

The problem is that the Sumerian version of these stories make NO mention of God at all.

These stories were about their encounters with another species called the Anunnaki.

Could Judaism and Christianity stories of God be a retelling of our ancestors close encounters with Extraterrestrials?

The Cuneiform Tablets that fascinated Nathaniel Schmidt were first unearthed in the 1500’s as Colonial Powers began to excavate the ancient sites of Mesopotamia.

Over the decades that followed, some 200,000 clay tablets were uncovered. The tablets were adorned with strange etchings or glyphs (a hieroglyphic character or symbol). Scholars of the day were divided to the meanings.

Some believe the glyphs were an unknown written language and others just refused to accept this as the tablets predated any known language. They assumed the markings were no more than decoration.

These ancient tablets were archived and their secrets locked away for over 300 years until in 1835 when Henry Rawlinson arrived in South Western Iran. He wanted to find the Behistun Inscription.

The Behistun Inscription was a Royal inscription carved into a Cliff. It was written in 3 known languages, Old Persian, Elamite and Babylonian (Akkadian), the common language of the Mesopotamian cultures.

These were the memories or the history of the ancient Mesopotamian cultures.

They were NOT decorations at all. They were banking records, business agreements, shopping lists, contracts, recipes, inventories, royal histories and the most ancient narrative in the history of the world.

It was in these ancient narratives that the source of the bibles stories began to emerge.

After Nathaniel Schmidt was fired from Colgate he landed a job at Cornell University and worked their teaching Semitic Language for 36 years.

He argued that the Cuneiform's revealed that our earliest histories are NOT about God but are about our prehistoric contact with the Anunnaki.

In the 20th century, the writer Zacharia Sitchin began studying the Cuneiform texts and highlighted that the Anunnaki were a powerful and advanced Extraterrestrial species. Their arrival on Earth put them at the top of the terrestrial food chain.

To create a workforce, the Anunnaki used sequences of their own genetic code to hybridize a primate ancestor into a human.

This human race was a slave race created to work for their Anunnaki Masters.

Zacharia Sitchin says that the word Anunnaki means “those who came from Heaven to Earth.”

Others argued that he was wrong with the meaning of the word Anunnaki as meaning nobility, the rulers or royalty.

But even if they were the rulers. Who were they?

The Cuneiform’s and the Glyph’s communicate that Zacharia Sitchin was correct.

The Anunnaki are from the heavens, they are sky people.

The Anunnaki were superior to human beings and they were called Gods.

The job of Rulership were handed over later to humans and they were called Kings or Governors.

The bible speaks of King Sol, the first human king over the people of God.

The Sumerian Cuneiform’s also name their first human king, King Gilgamesh.

King Gilgamesh was a Hybrid of Human and Anunnaki.

The Sumerian Cuneiform’s contain a list or record of Kings.

It is said these kings ruled for more than 1,000 years each.

The Non-Human Kings – Anunnaki have much, much greater lifespans.

The Tower of Babel was a Stargate providing rapid access to Space Stations.

Genesis uses two words for God. One is Elohim and the other is Yahweh.

These stories in Genesis are being retold after the time of Moses and are not the Original stories.

The current version of the Old Testament was edited and redacted sometime in the 6th Century BCE. By putting Yahweh into these stories of Abraham and Sarah was telling the reader to regard them as God stories.

The original stories were of the Elohim.

Elohim is a PLURAL word, referring to Gods.

Elohim has many meanings. It can mean the Powerful Ones. Other says “Fallen Angels.”

It is not stories about Gods but the Powerful ones.

Why have no physical remains of Anunnaki been found?

Well, we are finding giants now.

How would we know if they are Anunnaki?

DNA testing.

The Iraq War – a team went into Iraq, protected by American troops in 2003 and they found King Gilgamesh’s tomb.

Did they do a DNA test?

They said they decided not to investigate the matter any further.

Wouldn’t this kind of be a BIG thing that humanity deserves and should know?

Why would ET Anunnaki be interested in governing humans on Earth?

The Anunnaki taught humans about everything. Money, mining, and the Anunnaki sit at the top.

Did these Anunnaki Colonize the World?

How much are we like the Anunnaki?

Where are they now?

Do they even care about us, even though they created us though hybridization?

Were we created by God or Engineered by ET’s?

Have they deliberately DUMBED us down?

What is their Agenda now?

Enki and Enlil – two Anunnaki brothers who disagreed. Enki wanted to upgrade humans to be more conscious.

Enlil wanted to destroy the human race.

It was Enki who seeked out a favorite family, that was Noah as we know the story. Noah was given instructions on how to construct an Escape Pod, a giant UFO or Spaceship. It was not a boat or a ship.

Are the Anunnaki still present or are we now our own Masters?

If we were engineered or programmed to be slaves, can this be reverse engineered or deprogrammed so we can unite and work together to form a wonderful world?

Can our consciousness be Re-Awakened?

Do the Anunnaki represent our True Origins as a Species?

What is the true potential of a Human?

Do we have to be bound to the labor contracts that were taught to the Sumerians over 5,000 years ago?

No we don’t.

As we awaken our consciousness will elevate and our Light within will begin to shine and all the darkness will magically drift away.

*Next – Watch choose one of these Billy Carson Videos

***Billy Carson – Who Wrote The Bible, When Was It Written & From What Texts?

***Billy Carson & Joe Rogan – The 7 Tablets of Creation, Anunnaki, Truth Behind Creation, Bible & Jesus -- https://rumble.com/v512o9r-billy-carson-and-joe-rogan-the-7-tablets-of-creation-anunnaki-truth-behind-.html

***Billy Carson & Patrick Bet-David – Who is Jesus, Ancient Texts, The Bible, Pyramids, Alien Treaty -- https://rumble.com/v53e3bz-billy-carson-and-patrick-bet-david-who-is-jesus-ancient-texts-the-bible-pyr.html


Source: The 5th Kind -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFKDRArS-HM


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END. 7/15/2024 – 3:00 PM


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