The Leuchter Report (first published in 1988) - Ernst Zundel interviews execution technologies expert Fred A. Leuchter Jr.

8 months ago

The Leuchter Report is an extraordinary expert investigation carried out in 1988 by the American Fred A. Leuchter, who is a specialist in the design and construction of equipment for the execution of prisoners in the prisons of his country. This document has been one of the main tools of Holocaust revisionists to materially prove the falsification of the extermination chambers at Auschwitz I, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek.

Report Objectives

The report was conducted for two purposes:

To defend Ernst Zündel, prosecuted on charges of Holocaust denial and "stirring up racial hatred" (sic).

To prove accurately that there were no gas chambers for mass execution in Auschwitz I, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek.


The technical impossibility of the alleged gassings and mass cremations had already attracted the attention of several researchers such as Ditlieb Felderer and Robert Faurisson in the 1970s, but no direct scientific analysis had yet been made of the instruments with which the alleged crimes were committed, i.e. the gas chambers and crematoria. Not even at the time of the indictments was an expert opinion made on the weapons of the alleged crimes; in none of the trials against the Nazis was such an expert opinion, which is necessary for any murder trial, ordered.

Ernst Zündel engaged Leuchter's services in 1988 for $35,000. Leuchter set out to travel to Poland after a meeting where he reviewed photographs of concentration camps during the war, plans of the crematoria and gas chambers, documents on Zyklon B gas and slides taken from the sites by researcher Ditlieb Felderer in 1970.

On February 25, 1988, Leuchter traveled to Poland with his wife Carolyn, cameraman Jürgen Neumann, draftsman Howard Miller and Polish interpreter Tjudar (Theodor) Rudolf to collect samples and take pictures. Using a hammer and chisel, he extracted pieces of wall and floor from the extermination and disinfestation chambers without permission. The samples were obtained surreptitiously since the Polish government does not allow free investigation of the alleged chambers. The samples were taken to the United States and delivered to the laboratory run by the American Jewish chemist James Roth, without being informed where the samples came from, only that it was an expert analysis for a trial, so as not to influence the results.

The Leuchter Reports 1, 2 & 3 - 2nd edition (2005),-2---3---2nd-edition-(2005):a

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