Aug. 25, 1964 | Democratic Convention Newsreel

7 months ago

Aug. 25, 1964 - The Democratic keynote address, delivered in Atlantic City, N.J., with old-time political fervor by Sen. John Pastore, lambasted the Republican candidates tonight as “reactionaries and extremists.”
The Rhode Island Senator did not cite Sen. Barry Goldwater and Rep. William MIller by name on this particular point, but that was about the only omission in the scorching indictment, whose target was left in no doubt.
“A sinister element has crept into our political life,” Pastore told the opening session of the 34th Democratic National Convention in Convention Hall. “It is the element of extremism. Six weeks ago, despite the efforts of responsible members of the opposition, reactionaries and extremists captured the Republican Party, lock, stock, and barrel.”
Pastore characterized the Republican ticket as a “Trojan horse” which would bring to Washington forces intent on repealing the social gains and foreign policies of the last 30 years.

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