WHO WAS the ASSASSIN? READ below for update on the actual identity. ⬇️

9 hours ago

↘️ OKAY FOLKS, Now we have another update on the identity of the shooter. Roger Stone says its NOT Thomas Crooks, who is still posting on social media.... (and allegedly is the individual in this video)

Roger Stone · "My Sources say the failed Assassin was in fact Maxwell Yearick who first surfaced here https://wtae.com/article/pittsburgh-donald-trump-protesters-sentenced-to-jail-time/9261199

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Yesterdays Trump shooter is named Maxwell Yearick. The mainstream media AND government unfortunately falsely identified "Thomas Crooks" as the shooter!

The shooter, dead (graphic pic attached) with his mugshot. Ear spacers taken out sewed shut at some point before the shooting. Crooks is not the shooter and somehow both media and law enforcement both reported the WRONG NAME!

➡️ FURTHERMORE !!! To add insult to injury, Crooks is still active on X under the account JEW GAZING 4skin .. dude you just can't make this stuff up. He's set it now to private / protected status... and has confirmed he is still alive. https://x.com/jewgazing

I feel like this is some kind of illuminati card game version of clue!

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This was the recent story prior to what we're hearing now:
FBI Confirms Thomas Crooks, from Bethel Park, PA was Trump’s Failed Assassin

UPDATE: FBI Confirms 20-Year-Old from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania as Trump’s Failed Assassin. The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump Saturday was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, sources told The Post.

Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pa., squeezed off shots — one of which grazed Trump in the ear — at an outdoor rally in Butler, just outside Pittsburgh.

Sources said Crooks was planted on a roof of a manufacturing plant more than 130 yards away from the stage at Butler Farm Show grounds.

He was killed by Secret Service snipers. An AR-style rifle was later recovered.

An aerial photo of the area shows that the Secret Service Counter Assault team was sitting on a roof and only had one other building to surveil, about 150 yards away, unobstructed. The shooter crawled up that building and set up shop on the roof, all while witnesses were identifying him to police on the ground. Someone even took a photo of him on the roof. There's zero explanation for this.

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