5. #LastWord : Drowning

2 months ago

12: 49 AM
July 14, 2024
Springfield, MA

5. #LastWord : Drowning

When I have my twin daughters
I’m going to teach them
How to tread water …

I flashback to who I used to be
Opened bottles in the evening
Staring at the empty fish tank
And thinking how it almost matches me
And how these substances
Will distract from that reality …

We choose to drown this evening
Succumb to our insecurities
And dive into one another’s
Arms to escape
— Even if it’s only temporarily —

Please love me …

“She told me she missed me,
And I always wanted to be worth missing …”

Isn’t it funny,
How in the evening
We can cling so desperately
And in the morning
Let go so carelessly …

Did you ever really
Care for me?

That’s why it’s so important
To learn to tread water
To know that you can support yourself
You’ve built the confidence
Through your difficulties
And have a trusted Circle that will help …

When you’re starving
You’ll not only eat anything …
You’ll drink excessively
To numb the pain
Drown your sorrows
Slumber into the morrow …

It seems to always pour
When it rains …

So, I’ll teach them
How to tread water …

Will I be the perfect father?
Of that, I’m not quite sure …
But the love I’ll offer
My twin daughters
Will be one that is secure …

— K.S. Fort

#lastword #poetry #poem #poet #drowning #swimming #meditate #therapy #parenting

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