This Saint News 7/14/2024

1 day ago

Stay up on game! Real news. Real sources. It’s the stuff they really don’t want you to see. Peace and good fortune to you all!

If you would like to buy me a cup of coffee

This week: Breaking: President Trump has been shot! I will show you what I know. Also, we are gonna tap in with this immigration thing for a minute and see how the newcomers are getting along. Then we're gonna talk about Israel's Hannibal Directive which was in effect on October 7th. And of all the things to have a dark rabbit hole I'll bet you didn't figure on emojis. We're staying up to date with the headlines and some X Files and we'll round it out with a few Top Stories and as usual fam, we'll end up with the fun stuff.

#dflirt #daddyflirt #thissaintnews

Trump Shooting Witness

The Demonic Truth Behind Emojis

Hannibal Directive Me

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