The Charles Kovess Show - Ep #204: In How Many Ways Is Your Government Lying To You?

2 hours ago

Today's key issues.

First, the extraordinary reversal by Stanley Plotkin, a prominent American expert on children's vaccines. For years, Plotkin has assured us of the safety of these vaccines, but now, a recent article by him acknowledges the truth that sufficient research has not been conducted. This is an issue I have been passionate about for 13 years, helping parents of vaccine-damaged children. Now, even experts are admitting that proper safety and efficacy studies have not been done. This revelation begs the question: why are these admissions coming out now? The likely reason is to encourage the uptake of more vaccines.

Remember, you cannot rely on government information, heavily influenced by Big Pharma, which funds politicians and controls mainstream media narratives.

For more detailed insights, check out Aaron Siri's Substack, which exposes decades of misinformation about vaccine safety and unpacks the Plotkin admissions.

Next, I discuss the legal system and its failures, exemplified by the case of Dr Charles Hoffe in Canada. Despite significant expert support for his stance on medical advice he has given, Hoffe faced severe attacks from the Canadian medical board, which tried to block him from presenting his evidence.

This mirrors the situation in Australia with the TGA, showing how vested interests corrupt legal processes.

It underscores the need for you to seek reliable information and not blindly trust government directives.

I then urge you to take personal responsibility for your health. Health professionals often push protocols and evidence-based medicine that do not consider individual differences.

Each body is unique, and you must take responsibility for your health decisions, rather than following one-size-fits-all advice from experts with hidden agendas.

I highlight the excellent work of Michelle Gershman, Sharon Cousins, and Fiona Marlow, who are raising awareness about the damage done to pregnant women by recent injectables foisted upon humanity. Historically, pregnant women were advised to avoid certain foods and substances, yet now they are pushed to take untested injections.

I cover the recent UK elections, where Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called a snap election and the Conservatives were ousted. Andrew Bridgen shared insights into the electoral fraud and the geopolitical implications of potential war involving the UK and Russia.

This discussion reinforces the importance of seeking multiple sources of information to discern the truth.

Lastly, I warn against the dangers of the digital ID system proposed for Australia, which, along with the misinformation bill, threatens our freedoms.

Your self-awareness and willingness to act on your values are essential in defending your rights.

This week, my guest on TNT Radio is the talented singer-songwriter Kelly Newton-Wordsworth from Western Australia. Her song "Forest of the Fallen" is a moving tribute to those lost over the past four years due to the injectables issues. I encourage you to listen to her beautiful music and tune into our conversation, where we explore the power of protest songs and their role in fortifying your resistance to governmental overreach.


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