The Truth Warrior | EP:89 | Corruption within the WHO!!!

3 months ago

Dr Tess Lawrie former adviser to the WHO joins me to discuss her research and work.

A WHO consultant appears to have been involved in questionable decisions and potential corruption as discussed with Dr Tess Lawrie.

"there was corruption around safe old medicines needing to be suppressed"

There is a serious lack of transparency within the WHO and if corruption has been taking place then this of course reflects back on Bill Gates who plays a significant role in particular in relation to funding but also as the "controlling mind"

Bill Gates and his involvement within the WHO is questionable and apart from the fact that he is able to buy influence he really has no qualifications to be masterminding such policies which he is using for personal profit.

If the WHO gives the instruction to force the rollout of new so called vaccines then the governments will be obliged to "enforce" this.

There are massive conflicts of interest in practically everything as it relates to the WHO and the globalists who are involved with it.

This is also a massive human rights issue.

World Council for Health.

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