The Wheel Turns Bronson Case Energy Vlog

16 hours ago

The Wheel Turns Bronson Case Energy Vlog title is from the date July 13, 2024 thus 28 which adds to 10 the Wheel of Fortune always turning, Karmic change is coming to rid us of the devil's Evil. The Bronson Case Is What Gave us the courageous Peony card from The Starseed Oracle in regard to Jime Willie's info that the supreme court has ruled in favor of the Bronson brother Case against the Us congress and senate handling of the 2020 Election. Thus we must have it realsed to the public. I did a Kachina knife pull on it too.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed us an amplitude power of 12 at 12:15 PM UTC. Thus the Moon which is in Libra aid the hanged man in his quest for a change in perspective. The moon card is about Illusions and intuitions, in Libra it is about the scales of Justice Balance and relationships. The quality power of seven gives us the Chariot card telling us to take charge and move swiftly toward our life's purpose. The Frequency average is 7.88 hertz thus we have 23 which adds to # 5 The Hierophant card a Spiritual messenger, at its lowest we are looking at a jesuit pope who according to the Fatima prophecy is the last pope. Our spiritual message come from the two starseed oracle cards the first is Perspective card, none of this matters, Zoom out to find common ground. The second is the Void card stop embrace Winter, the great cosmic Womb We arebeingrebornintoacosmic race destined for the stars. Therefore, we can say: The Wheelo of fortunewith its karmic change bring a change of perspective to those that halot a and sacrifice their time to go within for wisdom, for they will move swiftly if they guide theri chariot with wisdom toward the Hierophant and shis spiriutal message about the void or cosmic womb.

Space Weather showed us a class M CME that will miss us. The solar wind density is a five protons per centimeter. The Solar wind speed is 375 (KPS) we be space truckin. The solar wind temperature is 5,000 kelvin sort of cool . The KP Index is in the green butlow the average is .75 the chariot being the theme.

We started this video with Janine voice from her website where she wwas assked about the infor from Jim Willie interview by NHino.TV in reagrd to the bronson cas being ruled upon by the supreme court in favor to the Bronson brothers against the congress and senate of 2020. The first card from the Starseed Oracle was the courageous peony multifaceted Unique nature, let yourself be seen. Which I Read That the case must be seen or will be revealed. I Went and did Kutchina Knife On it : The querent is the Eight of swords showing we have been loosely bound and blind to it. The chariot oposite of it say we need to throw off our blinder adn guide or chariot twoard the truth of it. in the past we have nine of cups a wish that was fullofilled nine months ago indicating they might have decided this in November of 2023. Teh Star cardis between the tow which indicate they felt vulnerable back then but we hope that we can see it clearly. Moving to the future we have the King of Cups he can hide things for sure they are playing a psy op on us to the left we have the page of w swords a new idea or the idea is out there nowwith Jim's reveal. The last card is the five of swords inciating it willgo mainstreamin five hours five days or five weeks at the longest.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather site:
I tried to find the interview but could not find it on his site.

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