the rules have changed

8 months ago

I was just getting off of work when I had a customer come in to tell me that Trump was just shot and I didn't believe him until I saw this.

not only did I go past the church and pray the moment I got in that car I prayed for the shooter. because if we ever get our hands on him he's going to need a lot more than just God.

and you liberal Cox out there I would tread lightly very carefully if I were you. I would keep my mouth shut in fact just wisen up. no matter how much we hate your mashed potato in Chief and what he's doing to this country none of us would ever think of trying to harm him or the vice president. you want to know why? cuz we actually have morals. we have beliefs there are right things to do and there are wrong things to do and to take another life or to attempt to is so wrong. we may say it a lot but we don't mean it we're pissed! but now the rules have changed. I want to thank the secret service for being tremendous in their dedication they're willing to give up their lives to protect the president. not one of them hesitated. so a personal thank you to every one of them. thank you for protecting my president. cuz we're going to get him back and he is going to be president again. I pray to God you got that shooter and I pray to God that when you aimed if you did you sure as hell didn't fucking miss. in fact I know you didn't. God bless the United States God bless the family of Donald Trump and most of all God bless Donald Trump himself. the rules have changed sir. but we will not stoop to their level. we love you we love our country and we're all praying that you're okay and recover. we got your six sir

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