Building an antiqued Viking chair, Start to Finish.

8 months ago

So I wanted a nice chair to get back into reading, since movies and games have completely stopped trying to entertain us, and the weather was still bad so I thought it was a good time to use up some of the 4x4s I had from a previous project. It won me over as it developed and now I'm quite fond of it.

I will say straight out that I know vikings had very portable board-chairs and wouldn't have hauled something this bulky around for pillaging. I just know someone is going to put that in the comments some day.

0:00 Start
1:12 The plan
1:58 Routing designs
2:49 The evolving plan
4:19 Lag bolt construction
6:50 Comfort and design
11:45 Head bangin snake
17:25 Construction elements
23:54 Stain
26:50 Spar Varnish
33:54 Sanding
42:01 Polish
46:46 Conclusion.

*All music used via license, available on request.

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