What is behind the collapse of Jiangxi Bank, which received legal counsel from Paul Hastings LLP?

7 months ago

6/16/2024 What is the CCP's plan behind the collapse of Jiangxi Bank, which received legal counsel from Paul Hastings LLP? According to Mr. Miles Guo, the aim of the CCP's deliberately triggering the collapse of financial bad assets is to ultimately direct the economic bomb towards the United States and Europe, making the entire global financial market pay the price!
#MilesGuo #NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #TakedowntheCCP #CCP #PaulHastingsLLP
6/16/2024 由普衡律所提供法律咨询的江西银行倒闭了,这背后隐藏着中共的什么图谋?郭文贵先生爆料:中共有计划地引爆金融不良资产的目的,是要将经济炸弹最终引向美国和欧洲,让全世界金融为其买单!
#郭文贵#新中国联邦 #中共不等于中国人 #消灭中共 #中共 #普衡律师事务所 #江西银行

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