The return of 'distribution according to needs' in the planned economy in China

7 hours ago

6/28/2024 Xi Jinping has just signed the 'Rural Collective Economic Organizations Law', signaling the return of 'distribution according to needs' in the planned economy! As Mr. Miles Guo previously said, these needs will only cater to the CCP, never to the Chinese people!
#MilesGuo#NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #TakedowntheCCP #CCP #RuralCollectiveEconomicOrganizationsLaw #distributionaccordingtoneeds #XiJinping
6/28/2024 习近平签发《农村集体经济组织法》,计划经济的“按需分配“正在卷土从来!而正如文贵先生所说,到那时,“按需分配” 将会是中共官员的“需“,绝不会是中国人民的 “需”!
#郭文贵#新中国联邦 #中共不等于中国人 #消灭中共 #中共 #农村集体经济组织法 #按需分配 #习近平

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