🔮"What happened in July?!"📅|⛓️🏠💪🏾💬⭐️💣👀🌌😒👽🗨😈🧠👻💰✉️👹👩🏾‍⚖️💯💘💅🏾😲🏦🤌🏾💭🆓️🔒

7 months ago

Originally recorded 7/13/24

Hi babe! 👋🏾 ever wonder what happened in the month of July?! 🤔 whether it was a baby shower, a graduation ceremony, a birthday party OR a BBQ 🍖 now is the time to find out! 🥰📆☺️ This can be a person, a place OR a thing that took place in July OR around July OR anything that came out, can be the RESULT/AFTERMATH of whatever went down⬇️ in OR around July! ☀️

P.S.(my Spirit😇Team has now brought it to my attention that there were ALSO accusations being thrown around ALONG with the death magic. Basically someone OR a group of people COULD have ALSO went to the police saying You threatened to 'pow pow' THEM!)

This is a GENERAL reading! remember to take ONLY what resonates and, to LEAVE the rest for the NEXT! also, this can be the past, the present OR the future! Flip and, switch the signs/roles/genders as You see fit! Later babes 😘

🏳️‍for entertainment purposes *ONLY*!
🚩this video was created for ages 1️⃣8️⃣+
rated-R for language...🙊🤫🙊

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