US President Joe Biden Signs Resolve Tibet Act

7 hours ago

07/13/2024 WION: US President Joe Biden has signed the Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet China Dispute Act on July 12th. The Act mandates that Tibet's issues must be resolved in accordance with international law and also states that the resolution should come through peaceful means and dialogue and without any preconditions. The Act aims at authorizing the use of funds to counter Chinese disinformation about Tibet, and challenges the Chinese contention that Tibet has been a part of China since ancient times.
#Tibet #ResolveTibetAct #Chinese≠CCP #Taiwan
07/13/2024 世界一体新闻台:美国总统拜登于7月12日签署了《促进解决西藏-中国争端法》。该法案规定西藏问题必须根据国际法来解决,并指出解决方案应通过和平手段和对话达成,并且不设任何先决条件。新法案旨在授权使用资金以对抗中共关于西藏的虚假信息,并驳斥了中共关于“西藏自古以来就是中国的一部分”的说法。
#西藏 #解决西藏法案 #中共不等于中国人 #台湾

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