This Serial Grifter And Pathological Liar Has A Long History Of Being Debunked

4 hours ago

Posted • July 13, 2024: Joe Biden Faces Questions Over Claims of Civil Rights Activism 一 In 1987, Joe Biden said he was a teenage civil rights activist, then said he wasn't. Now he says he was. Does he have a hazy memory or is this all malarkey? Pure lies. Too bad this pathological liar and serial grifter has a LONG history of being debunked before MSM went full state propaganda. His own words- enjoy. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - President Biden Again Claims to Have Been Active in Civil Rights Movement
Rumble: Flashback Video Torpedoes TWO Of The Dem/Media's Favorite Narratives About Biden
Rumble: President Poopy-Pants Liar Biden Again Claims To Have Been Active In The Civil Rights Movement
Rumble: 1988: Biden Says He Marched For Civil Rights, Later Admitted Lying About It After Being Fact Checked
Rumble: Biden On Former Klan Member: "Robert C. Byrd Was… A Friend, And He Was A Mentor And He Was A Guide"

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