The Truth Warrior | EP:63 | 200 Irish Patriots tell WHO globalists they are not welcome in Ireland

7 months ago

200 Irish Patriots form a "welcoming committee" at the Gates of the WHO and give the globalists a message in no uncertain terms that they are Not welcome in Ireland.

Is a counter Revolution coming as the Great Awakening takes place. The 4th Turning upon us.?

Irish Patriot and Freedom Fighter Eddie Hobbs joins me to discuss his infiltration of what the globalists thought was a secret WHO meeting taking place in Killarney in Ireland.

Eddie met them with a welcoming committee of 200 Irish Patriots to make sure they knew they were in fact not welcome in Ireland.

Eddie is a media personality who played a substantial role in Irish TV and he fought against the narrative as dictated by the globalists.

"Ireland is the European headquarters of the Pharma Industry"

A psychosis took place where many people including those that might be considered intelligent still took the vaccine. People in the medical establishment who should have known better.

Not only did they take it but they helped promote it while rejecting and vilifying anyone that they considered beneath them who dared ask questions and called for them to be silenced.

Many of those "experts" are now on the circuit stating the obvious that the vaccines are in fact dangerous.

Many of those so called top cardiologists, professors and doctors were complicit and only changed sides when they either became vaccine injured themselves or those close to them died.

Their arrogance however caused many millions around the world to end up either vaccine injured or dead.

Eddie talks about the "Big Lie" and how many doctors and academics failed to see what to many was clearly obvious.

The truly heroic doctors were those who saw the truth at the start and who stood up and saw their careers executed by globalists as a warning to anyone else and of course many were cowed into silence and bought off but many still took a principled stand against tyranny.

Its far too easy to be wise after the event.

Eddie Hobbs has a message for the Globalists and their collaborators "we see you"

The Globalists have declared war on Humanity.

Illegal Migrants are UN soldiers waiting for orders to enforce the next declared Global Pandemic.

Its time to take action.

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