Coyotes for Kids | Learn fun facts all about coyotes

4 hours ago

What do you know about coyotes other than that they howl? In Coyotes for Kids, you'll learn lots of facts about these animals. Coyotes live in lots of different places in North and Central America. They hang out in grasslands, deserts, forests, towns, and cities! These animals are habitat experts. They make homes in various spots, from burrows in the ground to cozy caves. Coyotes are the ultimate survival experts because they can adapt to multiple environments—that's impressive!

When it comes to food, coyotes are skilled hunters, and they eat a variety of things. They are omnivores, which means they enjoy both meat and plants. Their favorite meals include small animals like rabbits, mice, and birds. But they're not picky eaters; they also munch on fruits, berries, and insects. This diverse diet helps them survive and stay healthy.

Coyotes are not endangered at all! Remember, coyotes are pretty good at adapting to different environments, which is why they can be found in many places across North and Central America. They are survivors because they're so good at finding food and homes. You don't have to worry that coyotes will disappear from the wild anytime soon. They're here to stay and continue doing their important job in our ecosystems

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