Cornerstone Free Church Worship Service - July 14, 2024

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Sermons by Pastor David Whitney, Senior Instructor of Institute on the Constitution and pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church in Arnold, MD.

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SUNDAY July 14, 2024

Order of Worship

Theme: The war would come to the kingdom of Judah, but God would be there to shepherd His people through the storm.

Welcome & Call to Worship
“Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” #210
“Trust and Obey” #571
Prayer & Children’s Lesson
  “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled”  Hymns and Songs
  “Here I Am Lord” #589
Offering - “We Are an Offering” #678
Responsive Reading - #679 Your Reasonable Service
Congregational Prayer
Hearing God’s Word
“God’s Hand in The War”- Pastor Whitney
Responding to God’s Word
“The Battle Belongs to the Lord” #732
Benediction and Postlude

“God’s Hand in the War”
29th In our series the Prophet Micah

I. When War Comes - Micah 5:5
* A. The war comes due to the sins of Judah - Micah 3:9-12
* 1. Nations are judged by God
* 2. Repentance may spare a nation God’s judgment as was the case with Nineveh in the time of Jonah
* B. Assyria was the brutal superpower of that day
* 1. The people feared the destructive power of Assyria
* 2. In the invasion to come would involve the conquest of citadels and palaces
* a. God permits evil doers to wreck havoc as His judgment upon a wicked land
* b. The judgment is always designed to bring repentance - 2 Peter 3:9
* C. How would the people of God in the midst of war raise these shepherds and princes?
* 1. The Lord raises up these leaders in response to prayer - 2 Kings 19:14-20
* 2. God brings defeat to the enemy - 2 Kings 19:35-37
* a. The angel of the Lord is a pre-incarnate appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ
* b. God raises the kings own sons to assassinate him
* c. A later shepherd God raises is Cyrus of the Medo-Persian Empire - Isaiah 44:28

II. The Lord will Deliver His people - Micah 5:6 
* A. The entrances, the fortifications guarding the borders of Assyria will fail to protect it from invasion
* B. God fulfilled this prophecy when the kingdom of Babylon conquered Assyria, completely destroying that kingdom 
* 1. It began with the work of the Angel of the Lord
* 2. Advanced by the king’s assassination

Amazing Grace by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



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