Pfizer VP Blows Whistle - Vaccine Designed To Cause Lucrative Health Problems We Could Monetize

2 months ago

Pfizer Inc. has a serious problem. Former employees, including very, very senior executives, are coming forward to blow the whistle on the evil agenda of the Pharma giant.

As these brave men and women explain it, their consciences simply won’t allow them to go on pretending that Pfizer is anything other than a bloodsucking vampire squid relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money – and damn the consequences on public health.

But it gets even worse, according to Dr. Peter Rost.

The former Pfizer Vice President turned whistleblower has got proof that Pfizer intentionally designed their vaccines to cause a global explosion in heart disease and turbo cancer, providing themselves with billions of highly lucrative new patients.

CREDITS: The People's Voice
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Big Pharma, Depopulation, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Peter Rost, Pfizer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Vaccine

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