The Failure of Those with Advanced Degrees | The "Haves" Versus the "Have-nots"

11 hours ago

In this video, Punk, talks about the institutional corruption that those with advanced degrees have conformed themselves to and now perpetuate. This class of people, whom many believe are competent, intelligent, and know what they are doing are failing our society spectacularly!

This class of people occupies positions of power in the government, academia, media, select industries, think-tanks and is actively engage in chastising the middle and working classes, calling them fascists, racists, liars etc. The conformists are in place they are ushering in totalitarianism on the backs of Know-it-allism. Generally, these people suck are a burden on our society, our culture, our principles... They have failed us morally and spiritually, so they can chase power, prestige, and pay. Most are godless materialists having their requisite existential crisis and blaming the results of their bad ideas on others, they have made the transition into absurdism. They actually have cult-like faith in Kafkaesque bureaucracy. Absurdism is tragic but highly entertaining. Buckle up these assholes are in charge and their minds are blown!

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