Dr. Chris Shoemaker, MD: 40+ Million DEAD ANNUALLY from VAX

3 months ago

Dr. Chris Shoemaker: "Please protect yourself by never giving yourself another Covid shot. Please never put an mRNA type shot in your body ever. Please don't even put a nanoparticle shot. Do you know that what carried the mRNA into our bodies is something called an LNP, a lipid nanoparticle...

When they tested lipid nanoparticles on mice and chimpanzees and rodents and guinea pigs, it killed them 100% of the time when they put them in the bodies. A 100% death rate in smaller mammals.

Now it's not 100% death rate in us humans, maybe it's only 2 or 3% in that first year. Can it be good for us, when the carrier, the actual mechanism that carries even before you knock genetic changes, even before you talk about the genetic stuff that puts in, the actual carrier is itself toxic to ovaries, toxic to the brain, toxic to the liver, toxic to the spleen, kidneys, you pick an organ.

Lipid nanoparticles proven scientifically to never be eligible as an mechanism of taking anything into your body. Look it up."

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