Geburtstag des Führer 130 b

7 months ago

The film begins with Germany’s terrible suffering in the days of the Weimar Republic with runaway inflation, massive unemployment and the collapse of this government. Go to to see more. Out of these ashes rose Hitler and the NSDAP, and we see his rise to power.
Geburtstag des Führer (the Leader’s birthday) became an annual event, growing larger prior to the war – marches, parades and gifts from all corners of Germany and much of Europe. There are many familiar faces of history in this film. During these parades, the cream of the Wehrmacht is seen, all branches. During the celebration in 1944 it’s easy to see the officers, troops and civilians are trying to put on a brave face despite the hopelessness. There is no celebration in 1945 as the Soviets were already in Berlin.
While this film is based on the celebrations surrounding Hitler’s birthday each year, it is really a pictorial mini-history of the war year by year from victory after victory to bitter defeat.

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