This How This ironaman Increased His Revenue By 50%

7 months ago

This Fit Accountant has figured out how to grow his billable’s by 50% and work less.

My client and friend Nate the @the_fit_acccountant

Father and husband, IRONMAN and 7 figure entrepreneur.

Founder of THURO accounting, Nate and his team specializes in accounting for the Vacation Rental Industry and are in a massive season of growth.

I first met Nate two years ago & the weight of entrepreneurship was taking a toll on his health, mindset and family.

“White knuckling” a prisoner to his business rather than his business working for him.

Suffering in silence with a smile on his face, struggling to keep it all together.

We started with the HVM Accelerator and with other High Value Men we helped him gain clarity on Vision and core Values which led to a massive shift in his self leadership.

This created a powerful ripple effect with him and his wife.

“My wife feels like I’m not present and I’m not” I remember him telling me.

Just a few months in that totally shifted.

Then Nate and I started working 1-1 with a focus on his business.

We took the principles of HVM (Vision, Values and Accountability) and introduced EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) Tools into his company.

This created structure, accountability, predictability and FREEDOM.

After just a year…

- He’s hit 7 figures in revenue
- He’s increased his billables by 50%
- Built a leadership team
- Created organizational clarity
- Worked less, delegated more
- And made the time to start a NEW BUSINESS

The best part…

He’s ran multiple IRON MAN’S (with two more this year), burned fat, built muscle, dated his wife, led his kids and taken vacations.



Proving that you don’t have to sacrifice your fitness, faith or family while building your finances.

And proving that when YOU GET BETTER everything gets better.

Here’s how he did it:

1. He asked for help
2. He stopped doing alone
3. He followed a plan
4. He did the work

If you’re a burnt out entrepreneur who’s let your fitness or family slide trying to keep your finances together…

Remember why you started it, FREEDOM for you and those you care about, don’t lose sight of that.

Much love.

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