J.D. Vance May Be The Gay Lobby In The White House. Let's Stop Him

5 months ago

WEBSITE https://freewordandfriendsworld.altervista.org/
QUITE FRANKLY PRODUCTION: I can’t see another reason for a man to wear rimmel and be the protegé of Peter Thiel who’s openly gay and convert to Catholic at the same time. You convert to a church where gay people are both shunned but a dominant hidden perpetually plotting presence?

We don’t do any Democrat-light, we do Hard-Republican. I don’t want him, Vance, he has to move out of my way. I have enough of gay lobby and left-wingers infiltrating everything. We must stop them before they start in the Republican Party and take over. The gay lobby has completely taken over the Democratic Party and wherever they rule they don’t even clean the roads and have imposed the opinion crime, we don’t want them in the Republican Party, they already own the Democrat and are so blackmailable they can’t even remove Biden as senile as he is, wherever they run the Club they have ruined it till the point of legalising drugs, opening the borders and not even doing the garbage collection in the streets, see California and Oregon and Philadelphia etc. No, we want the Republican Party and the Rightwing Parties across the West or the World for us, not for them to start again piece by piece what they have done to the Left: first they cry, then they impose quotas and silence to the straight people and gay sex ed. to schools.

Always pushing people in Office that can be blackmailed as Jeffrey Epstein’s clients.

It’s an old pattern this to push up in Office people that can be controlled & blackmailed, we’ve seen this before, please let’s stop them now. #NoVance

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