Jesus in India, Tibet & Egypt – Jeshua Ben David

3 months ago


Christmas is not the birthday of Jesus but a Pagan holiday – Satvrnalia. His birthday was likely in September or early October.

The Gods Krishna, Mithra and Horus have very similar stories to Jesus, born of Virgin mother, born on December 25, 12 disciples, the eastern star, teacher at 12, performed miracles – this was from 900 years before Jesus to 3,000 years before Jesus. These were almost identical stories of at least 3 others before Jesus.

Jesus and the Essenes – The Essenes were a sect of Jews that lives outside of Jerusalem, as long as they didn’t bother the Sanhedrin (a Jewish judicial and administrative body that served as the supreme council), the Sadducee's (member of a Jewish sect or party of the time of Jesus Christ that denied the resurrection of the dead, the existence of spirits, and the obligation of oral tradition, emphasizing acceptance of the written Law alone) and the Pharisees (members of a party that believed in resurrection and in following legal traditions that were ascribed not to the Bible but to “the traditions of the fathers.”)

There were many sects of Jews with various beliefs.

The Dead Sea Scrolls were writings of the Essenes. They don’t allow all the writings to come out as it might contradict the Gospel which would ruin their narrative of religious control.

The Essenes were waiting for their Jewish Messiah to come. Several Virgins were on the Temple steps at one point and they invoked Signs and Wonders (God’s Witness to his Word) to see who was going to be the gateway carrier of the Soul of Christ.

Mary Magdalene was chosen in front of everyone.

Joseph of Arimathea – assumed responsibility for the burial of Jesus after his alleged crucifixion. He was considered a Saint and could travel anywhere with direct permission form the Emperor Caesar himself.

Joseph was the physical father of Jesus. *Note: when Kryon tells story of Jesus, says the same thing.

The Book “The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ” by Nicolas Notovitch - Discoverer of the Manuscript – he was a Russian Explorer who was lost in the Mountains of Tibet and he broke his leg. He was taken into a Monastery by Monks and since he couldn’t move much he had nothing to do and was allowed to go through the manuscripts. *Note: See Source #2 below for the free PDF book.

He found a manuscript of Saint Issa.

These books explained the travel of Jesus, known as Jeshua Ben David who traveled with his “God Father” – really his real Father, Joseph of Arimathea, who was wealthy and had help from Emperor.

Joseph of Arimathea was also Merlin – “The Father of Manifestation”.

Jesus had access to his ships and could travel wherever he wanted.

The book “Jesus Lived in India” by Holger Kersten – documents when Jesus visited India before and after he SURVIVED the “crucifixion.” *Note: This goes with what Kryon says about Jesus also.

The Three Wise Men, also known as the Magi or the Three Kings, are figures mentioned in the Bible in the Gospel of Matthew.

Magi – is magicians, consisting of astrologers, yogi’s and wizard’s – they came to Jesus’ birth and came from India and perhaps Persia.

This is where there is some new material I have never heard.

Tobias says that the plan was to put Jesus as a real King and Herod felt threatened.

The book “Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection” by D.M. Murdock -free download, see Source #3 below.

Jesus went through the same initiation in the Great Pyramid that the Moses did who was High Priest, Wizard.

Jewish tradition comes from Egypt.

Joseph of Arimathea tried to help Jesus with his mission and according to Tobias Lars, he says “Jesus became impatient.”

Tobias says that Jesus had other lifetimes. King Arthur

He said Joseph of Arimathea was Merlin – same soul. Saint Germain.

After Jesus acquired all of the England, Egyptian, Tibet, and India mystery knowledge – he tried to teach it directly to the people.

Jesus was not born of a virgin.

Jesus traveled to India and other places to gain knowledge.

Joseph was his father.

After Jesus acquired the knowledge to become a master he tried to teach it to the people and say that they all could be like him.


1. Tobias Lars --

2. “The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ” by Nicolas Notovitch - Discoverer of the Manuscript –

3. “Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection” by D.M. Murdock --


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