NATO Seeks to Expand Alliance in the Pacific to Push Back Against CCP's Impact

7 months ago

07/11/2024 Maya Rodriguez, Global Affairs Correspondent for Scripps News: The reason NATO is considering joining forces with the countries beyond North America and Europe is, in a word, it's the CCP. NATO is worried about the CCP's impact, specifically the help that it is providing Russia with the war in Ukraine. In a joint declaration today, the leaders of NATO said, China is a decisive enabler in giving Russia large scale support in its invasion of Ukraine.
#NATO #CCP #Pacific #UkraineWar #GeopoliticalShift
07/11/2024 《斯克里普斯新闻》的全球事务记者Maya Rodriguez:北约考虑与北美和欧洲以外的国家联手的原因简而言之是因为中共。北约担心中共的影响力,特别是其在俄乌战争中对俄罗斯提供的帮助。在今天(7月11日)的一份联合公报中,北约领导人指出,中共在俄罗斯对乌克兰的侵略中给予了俄方大规模支持,是俄乌战争的“决定性推手”。
#北约 #中共 #太平洋 #俄乌战争 #地缘政治转移

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