Maharishikaa | The mysterious Guru shishya relationship. Can I have two Gurus?

5 months ago

Already in a Guru shishya relationship, Richard Bayer feels a strong pull towards the Maharishikaa's teachings. He asks the Maharishikaa about the conflict he experiences between the teachings of his Guru and that of the Maharishikaa’s. Can he follow both? Maharishikaa reveals to him the nuances of the Guru Shishya relationship, the value of seeking the permission of one's Guru before going to another master to learn, and the importance of love for the guru.

#Maharishikaa #GuruShishyaRelationship #SurrenderPractice

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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