Clif High’s 15-16 July Event Predictions Involving UFOs In The U.S.

5 months ago

Future Forecasters

Michael Salla:
Only a few days away from a prediction of a July 15-16 event involving UFOs in the US that captivates much of the world for the next six months. The prediction was first made by Cliff High and was corroborated by a recent remote viewing from Dick Allgire's Future Forecasting RV group that pointed to a false flag UFO event involving cryptoterrestrials. According to these two predictive data sets, the false flag UFO event is finally about to be played.

Here is the link to the remote viewing project: "Clif High's 15-16 July Event

Remote Viewed!"

Here's the link to Cliff High's original prediction that emphasizes the UFO element that captivates the world for months to come:

Clif High's 15-16 July Event

Remote Viewed!
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