2 shows 1 theater

14 hours ago

Clown show Vs the spiritual awakening.
The news vomits out insane praise for Biden. So I fixed it with his clips.
The show in the quiet corner is one of hope for a younger generation.
The Christ consciousness has taken hold of many lost atheists. There’s disclosure as people figure things out.
You many not agree with some of them. But listen. Allow them to pave a road to a higher plain of mentality. Because weather or not your thoughts and religion allow you to agree. The path there on is one of high vibrations. Of healing trama. A path of good and love. A path of meditation. Which is in its own way is prayer. They accepted God in a different way.
And that is not only far better than a life of ruin, animosity, anger and sin. But it’s also beautiful how they put the creation all together. Connecting it with ancient practices.
The 144,000 is awakening. The mark on the head,,,,, well.

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