Optimize Product Images and Boost Sales For Seasonal Products

7 months ago

Join us as we chat with Jose about the intricacies of optimizing your main image on Amazon. In this video, we explore the importance of seasonal products, click-through rates, and the power of visual elements in driving sales.

Watch as we conduct a detailed audit of a blanket listing, analyze the secondary image stack, and discuss the significance of running a PickFu test to determine the best main image. Learn actionable insights on improving your product listings to enhance visibility and conversion rates on Amazon. Don't miss out on these valuable tips to boost your sales.

Brand Manager Takeaway:
Had a great call today with Steven Pope
Here is a list of my takeaways:
1. Lower Prices at product launch and to revive the listing to create momentum
2. You go into a lower price with a product to generate interest
3. Brands are native to Amazon mostly because they don't have brand outside of Amazon
4. If they have a brand outside of Amazon redirecting traffic to Amazon can be great move But it can be hard
5. Propose a test to the client show it/your plan can work
6. Know you client's avatar and communicate to the avatar through the pictures
7. Without PPC the product is dead in the water

#AmazonSEO #AmazonProductImage #AmazonFBA2024 #AmazonTips

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0:03 - Intro
0:07 - Discussing main image
0:14 - Seasonal nature and price
0:27 - Analyzing seasonal data
0:51 - Reviewing listing and images
1:21 - Analyzing Competitors’ images
1:26 - Running PikFu test
1:51 - Reviewing test results
2:35 - Conclusion and takeaways

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