C-C Euro Pop Music Reaction 2024 -AGT -Kristen Cruz -Dancing in the Sky #2024 Shorts Visualizer)

7 months ago

This channel involves bringing all genres of pop music from around Europe and the rest of the world onto my channel. The purpose is to prove that these unknown artists and performers are the best in the world and deserve to be listened to. I translate each of my videos into 32 languages for you all to enjoy the lyrics and my reactions.
The intent of my channel is to prove that the music industry is alive and kicking, not dead. Enjoy, listen, comment and subscribe.

Today, I mixmashed Dancing in the sky with another shot film called, "For those who feel lost". Origonally this video was accompanied with a poem by the young Author who appears in the video and whose channel is to turn the stories that she shares on her channel into unique pieces that you can wear.
👕 Humano by Epoch - real stories you can wear - https://humanobyepoch.com/

However, I felt this video needed a 'new lease of life' and a song to compliment it. That is why I chose Kristen Cruz's song. I hope you enjoy what I have equally achieved.

What is the story behind Dancing in the Sky, Dani and Lizzie?
“Dancing in the Sky” is one of 12 songs featured on Dani and Lizzy's Working of Hearts album released in September 2013. The 27-year-old Vancouver twins were inspired to write the song in remembrance of one of Lizzy's close friends who had recently passed away.8 Oct 2022

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