Milwaukee Radio Station EDITED OUT Some Of Biden's Answers After Biden Campaign Demanded It

2 hours ago

Posted • July 12, 2024: Democracy dies in darkness! We’ve known it for years, but since Joe Biden imploded during his June 27 debate with Donald Trump, the guardrails keeping him safe from the media were also destroyed. Of course, the establishment press could have reported on the president’s health for years—they just opted not to due to political bias. This year, it’s now because they feared being seen as helping Trump or losing access—all inexcusable reasons not to cover the president’s marked mental decline. Even radio interviews, which are Triple-A ball regarding the difficulty of this job, are heavily monitored and edited at the behest of the president’s team. A Wisconsin radio station admitted to editing a transcript of their July 3 hit with Biden, which came at the request of his re-election campaign. (…)

• More at: Townhall - Here's What a Wisconsin Radio Station Edited Out of Their Interview With Biden
Politico: Radio station edited Biden interview at campaign’s request before airing
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