Mondo Gonzales Refutes Dean Odle's Flat Earth Bible "Proofs" From The Great Biblical Creation Debate

3 months ago

This is a clip from our full interview with Mondo Gonzales of Prophecy Watchers. To see the full interview click this link:

Make sure to check out the Psalm 19 Project and @prophecywatchers

In this episode we we invited Mondo Gonzales on to discuss #flatearth from a biblical perspective. We specifically target the Great Creation Debate, flat earth debate, between #greglocke and #deanodle which took place in December 2023. We chose several of the "proof" passages Odle used in his presentation for why the Bible mandates belief in a flat earth, and we systematically refute his arguments and show why his conclusions are illogical, inconsistent with the whole of scripture, and at times even manipulative.
We analyze various verses and argue that the interpretation of these verses should consider the genre and context in which they were written. They also address the limitations of a literal interpretation and the potential for hyper-literalization. The conversation highlights the importance of understanding the poetic and figurative language used in the Bible and the need to avoid limiting God's creativity and transcendence. We address various arguments made by flat earthers, such as the #firmament being a solid dome and the stars falling from heaven, etc. We examine the genre of #apocalyptic literature and the use of figurative language in the #Bible. We also discuss the concept of the #icewall at #antartica and the interpretation of verses about the spreading out of the earth. Overall, they emphasize the importance of considering context, genre, and literary tools when interpreting biblical passages.


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00:00 Intro To Rebuttal
02:55 Round Earth Is the Great End Times Deception?
29:07 The Flat Earth Is Built On Pillars?
48:36 The Firmament Is A Solid Crystal Dome?
54:20 This Was Not The Hebrew's Cosmology!
01:06:59 Jesus Taught The Earth Was Flat?
01:16:33 Antartica And The Ice Wall

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