Robert Kennedy Jr. - Our Children are being Mass Poisoned – “Why are we so Sick?”

2 days ago

We are mass poisoning this generation of kids. We saw this explosion of neurodevelopmental disorders like ADD, ADHD, Speech Delay, Language Delay, Tics, Sleep Disorders, Tourette Syndrome, Narcolepsy, ASD – Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

These were NON-EXISTENT prior to 1989.

We never heard of them.

We never knew anybody who had them.

Then all the Auto-Immune Diseases suddenly exploded in 1989.

Juvenile Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn’s Disease, Lyme Disease and Lupus and then all these Allergic Diseases suddenly appeared.

Robert Kennedy Jr: “I had 11 siblings and 70 cousins, I didn’t know anybody with a Food Allergy.”

RFK Jr: “Why do 5 of my Kids have Anaphylactic Allergies?”

“Why are there Epipens in every classroom?

“I had a brother who had Asthma and there will never be a cure because it is so rare that no researcher will ever study it, now 1 out of ever 8 black kids has Asthma.”

“So what happened? Something happened, there’s no other country that has this. We have the highest chronic disease burden in the world.”

“Why are we so Sick?”

“Why is nobody looking at this?”

The healthy jabs are really making this a disease free world.

These dots are HUGE and close together. Not so difficult to connect.

What we are doing to our children in the name of health is absolutely INSANE!

Source: Wealthstage --

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END. 7/12/2024 – 6:00 PM


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