Secrets of Grindea - Dr. Mando (Masta_Darc) Arcade Mode Bird Quest 2H SmashBall+Whirlslash

5 months ago

I don't even enjoy Arcade Mode without curses which make it more difficult but add multipliers to the end score. I still didn't utilize Berserk Mode because I'm not filming the Pixel Ferrets Edition of Mission Impossible. I was trying to attract some birds for a strange old lady in the park (and accomplished that) but also got some pretty crazy pins... As of this writing, this 2H Smash Whirlslash run is not the best ATK score run I've ever recorded. I undertook another run right afterwards and shattered this record and my mage records so yeah.... I hope these videos serve as a guide to anyone else who wants to join the small but competitive Secrets of Grindea Arcade Scoreboard community.

I personally think the bosses in this game are too diverse for any 1 playstyle to be called the "best" but mages tend to have an easier time on solo play due to summons. I avoided Frosty Friend (which I do use even on ATK builds sometimes) to demonstrate how unnecessary that summon always has been. It helps 0 with Bishop and isn't much better with most bosses frankly. Pins were crazy per usual with new high scores but this wasn't supposed to be a score run... I'm still rebuilding Arcadia. I think a little more forethought and I could've beaten Bishop. Speaking on Bishop specifically, Earth Specialist with a touch of prismatic for EP management and crit-lord has the most potential especially in conjunction with my Archer playstyle but I'm always eager to be proven wrong...

"Secrets of Grindea" is currently out of Early Access on Steam and is one of the best purchases for any age or gamer's playstyle.

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