Soul Fire ascension welcomes Nhu Nguyen

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Soul Fire ascension welcomes Nhu Nguyen
Nhu is an A.U.R.A hypnosis and R.A.A.H Reiki practitioner. Since receiving her certifications from Rising Phoenix Mystery School in 2023, Nhu has embarked on a beautiful journey of soul’s remembrance. She feels grateful and honored to be in this time and space to celebrate the collective’s awakening and the Ascension of Mother Earth. Through traveling and connecting with Mother Earth, her intention is to assist with healing the universal womb and rediscovering Earth’s history. She is passionate about finding the true history of our universe, one that records our soul evolution free of distortion and manipulation and can be accessible through the quantum realm. Understanding the interconnectedness our physical and energetic body shares with Mother Earth, she believes in the multidimensional power of self-healing and the importance of exercising our free will to look within.
Live July 12th @8pm EST. If you miss the live show, you can catch the replay on YouTube or Rumble @ Soul fire ascension or listen to Soul fire Ascension on Spotify

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