Title: Luke 21: The Widow's Offering, Prophetic Fulfillment, and Unveiling Historical Mysteries

1 day ago

In Luke 21, Yahusha provides profound teachings and prophecies that resonate deeply with our faith journey. Let's explore these themes together, understanding how they apply to our lives and the world around us.
The Widow's Offering: Yahuah values the heart behind our actions more than the amount we give. The widow's offering is a powerful reminder that our Creator sees our sacrifices in relation to our circumstances. How cool is it that Yahuah looks at what it took for you to accomplish what you do with Him in mind.
Prophecy of the Temple's Destruction: “These that you see, the days are coming in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down.” This prophecy was fulfilled around 70 AD when the temple was completely dismantled. According to the writings of Josephus, the Roman siege of Jerusalem resulted in severe famine, leading to cannibalism and brutal family betrayals. Is this a long, drawn-out finale unfolding over millennia?
Josephus' Account: In his work, "The Jewish War," Josephus describes the horrors of the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD. He recounts the desperation of the people, the destruction of the temple, and the widespread famine that led to acts of cannibalism. Josephus writes about a woman named Mary who, in her despair, resorted to consuming her own child (Jewish War 6.3.4). This vivid account underscores the fulfillment of Yahusha's prophecy and the intense suffering experienced during that time.
Exploring Historical Mysteries: What if these events had already occurred? Jon Levi’s channel presents fascinating theories with videos showing portions of buildings that have melted and become rocks due to intense heat. These structures are far beyond our current capabilities, and as a builder, I marvel at them. Theories suggest these could be remnants of buildings from Solomon's kingdom or Yahusha's reign. The craftsmanship, allegedly achieved with only horses and no power tools, raises questions about our understanding of history. For more, check out Jon Levi’s channel: Jon Levi on YouTube.
The Great Timeline: Imagine Yahusha returned in 70 AD, set up His kingdom, and left briefly as the devil was released for a short time. This would mean we are now awaiting the Gog and Magog war, which will bring a final end to the devil. It fits neatly into a 7-day or 7-thousand-year framework:
* Creation to Noah: ~1656 years
* Noah to Abraham: ~292 years
* Abraham to Moses: ~645 years
* Moses to David: ~490 years
* David to Yahusha: ~1000 years
Regardless of the exact timeline, we find comfort knowing we are safe, protected, and loved by our Creator.
Revelation 20: Gog and Magog:
Revelation 20:7-10 describes how, after the thousand years, Satan will be released from his prison and will deceive the nations, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle. They will surround the camp of Yahuah's people, but fire will come down from heaven and devour them. This will be the final defeat of Satan, who will be thrown into the lake of fire forever.
Key Scriptures:
* Luke 21:6: Prophecy about the destruction of the temple.
* Luke 21:1-4: The widow’s offering.
* Ezekiel 38-39: Gog and Magog.
* Revelation 20:7-10: The final battle and defeat of Satan.
* Josephus, "The Jewish War": Detailed accounts of the siege and destruction of Jerusalem.
* Jewish War 6.3.4
* Jon Levi’s Channel: Exploring historical architecture and theories.
* Jon Levi on YouTube
Join us as we delve into these profound teachings and consider how history, prophecy, and faith intertwine in our journey with Yahuah.

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