S6EP04 - Aliens And Demons - Author Ron Felber - Video Podcast

7 months ago

Is there a connection between Alien Abduction and Demonic Possession? Could they, perhaps be the same thing? Author Ron Felber joins me on today's show and we dive into two of his incredible books that detail incredible cases of Alien Abduction and Demonic Possession. The books, "The Mojave Incident" and "Unwelcomed - The Curious Case of Clara Fowler" outline 2 such incidents separated by about 100 years. While the foundation of their experiences seem separate and unique, the experiences, themselves, are nearly interchangeable. Ron and I discuss these similarities as we dive into these events and the powerful ramifications that these similarities may suggest. Enter the Paranormal Portal...if you dare!
To learn more about Ron Felber or his published works, please visit: ronfelber.com
or you can find Ron's books at Barnes & Noble or on Amazon!
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