Strength to the Rainbow Prince Zodiac 8/28 to 7/29 Energy Vlog

7 months ago

Strength to the rainbow Prince Zodiac 8/28 to 7/29 Energy Vlog title is from the date July 11, 2024 thus 26 which adds to #8 the Strength card telling us to be strong and brave to face your inner beast. The Rainbow Prince is form the wisdom of the hidden Realms oracle telling to be pr persistent in our compassion. The Zodiac Spread is for the period of August 2028 to July 2029

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed us four Amplituces. The first was a power of 40 at 2:00 AM UTC Thus the high priestess with her sacred knowledge and superb intuition shuts down the tyrant and aids the true Emperor who comes across as a divine Male yes I am saying trump is closer ot the divine male than biden. The second amplitude power of 22 at 2:30 AM UtC thus the hierophant tells the Fool To have more self awareness as he tae his hero's journey. The third Amplitude is also a power of 22 this time at 3.30 AM UTC thus the Lovers appear foolish as they learn to communicate truthfully. The fourth amplitude power of 23 at 10:45 AM UTC thus the Sun in Cancer Guide the hierophant to speak about the Sun's glory and light. The quality po9wer is a ten the wheel of Fortune with it karmic change to flip the table on the devils plans. the frequency Average is 7.68 hertz thus 21 the World or universe card we are complete, The return of the prodigal child. The hero comes to the end of the journey. Therefore we can say: With Strength and bravery we can bri8ng forth a new emperor a divine male who rules for the common good. Who's wheel of fortune brings abundance to the world.

Space Weather site showed us a solar wind density of five porton per centimeter. The solar wind speed is 290 (KPS). The temperatuire of the solar wind is 200,000 Kelvin thus piping hot. The KP Index shows us levels of geomagnetic activity In the green Zone most in the one range all is calm.

Beyond the new breaking Woo for today hit the Highlight of the day a delves into ellen degeneres and celine dion neither came out well in the cards.

The Zodiac Spread starts with August of 2028 with the Hierophant card anew spiritual messenger I hear the law of One. September of 2028 is the Eight of Cups we are walking away from what no longer serves our Highest good. October 2028 is The Ace of pentacles a new block chain system of exchange. November Of 2028 we have the Queen of Pentacles a female minister of finance come out for the new money system. December of 2028 we have the Hanged man we halt the action and change our perspective. January if 2029 With the Six of Wands we have something to celebrate a new victory to cheer .about. February 2029 brings us The Wheel of fortune a positive kamic change I hear . March of 2029 is the Nine of swords the dark ones have alot of fear because of the turned tables. April of 2029 brings us the King of cups I heard Jordan Peterson name so he either passed or come to the for for some reason. may of 2029 we have The Empress card divine female This has to do with a baby boom reversing the miscarriages caused by the clot shots is finally cured. june of 2029 we have the Three of Wands setting off for new territory time to cath the surf and have some fun. july of 2029 we have the six of swords thus we have feeling of moving out of trobloedwatersat last. The overriding theme of the year is the high Priestess we need to honor our intuition and study the sacred knowledge through out the year.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news sie:
Space Weather site:
Beyond the News Breaking Woo rumbloe video:

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