The Father Spirit [of every human soul] is calling everyone on the planet!

2 days ago

---Important starter of Father's restored Truths...
---CRITICAL actions on First belief...
---Prayers for Triple full-body immersion... 
---deep spirit cleansing for persons with any tattoos, excess piercings, body mods, taking part in fornication/adultery, also cut off bloodline curses, curses, [start fresh]...
---Valid/directional Petitions{Prayers} to seek DEEP personal relationship with our Heavenly Father...
---Additional valid petitions{prayers}...
---Bread/Wine Covenant Meal of Yahooshua {Jesus} for ANY HUMAN BEING to rehearse [by yourself; no priest or pastor needed!]...
---Petitions for those on their death bed(conscious/unconscious)...
---How Earth became a 7000year awry experiment/testing grounds...
---Father Yah's major Turnaround Spokesmen and Emissaries {Prophets and Apostles}...
---Different Ranks in the Heavens(based on relationship/service to Him)...
---{Jesus} not the Most High...
---Who goes to Hell and WHY they do (pictures included, by a Korean artist who was taken to Hell in her dreams and told to draw what she saw, to warn people on Earth)...

Useful Petitions by Dr. James Alexander Robertson (he has +31 years of seeking deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator)...

--"God" is generally a translation of the Hebrew word "Elohym" meaning "Mighty One" or "Almighty" depending on the context. "God" is derived from a German Pagan, that is Satanic and needs to be avoided. If you are guilty of the sin of calling The Almighty Creator as "God", pray the following: "Father Yah, I confess that I have called you 'God' mistakenly believing that this was a valid name for You, I now realize that this is sin and I repent and ask You to forgive me."
--To refer to the Almighty Creator as "The Lord" is a great insult and it is ONLY through His long Suffering and Mercy that He has answered prays in that name, AT ALL. This use of "Lord" is also confused with the use of "lord" in reference to Yahooshua {Jesus} and is a contributing factor to the confusion regarding the identity of Yahooshua. If you are guilty of calling Father Yah as "The Lord" or "Lord" instead of using His true name Yah, pray as follows; "Father Yah, I confess that I have called You "Lord" mistakenly believing that this was a valid name for you, I now realize that this is sin and I repent and ask you to forgive me."
--It is in GROSS sin to make Yahooshua {J̶e̶s̶u̶s̶} equal to Yah, as it breaks the first Commandment. If you are guilty of this sin, pray the following: "Father Yah, I confess that I have made Yahooshua equal to You and I worshipped him, I now realize that this is sin and I repent and ask You to forgive me”
--It is in sin to equate 'Christ' with 'Jesus' or 'Yahooshua' as a universal principle and thereby to equate Yahooshua with the Almighty Creator. If you are guilty of this sin, pray the following: "Father Yah, I confess that I have equated 'Christ' with 'Jesus' and made Yahooshua equal to You and I worshipped him, I now realize that this is sin and I repent and ask for You to forgive me."

One may earn Merits (credit) for one's Day of Judgment, by sharing on any outlet i.e. Facebook, Quora, Rumble, etc. (also by donating to Dr. Robertson who puts all funds towards financing his ministry; his contact and PayPal info is on the right side of his website - I've donated several hundred, since early 2022, when the Almighty first led me to the website)

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