Security - China, Muslims and Russia

7 months ago

The point in this video, is that it is possible to have reasonable diplomatic relations with China, Muslims and with Russia.
Abridged video by Kim Iversen and Glenn Diesen:

Now, is there a valid concern about US security? Well, like every country, it is important, and China's economic and military strength is likely to become dominant in international relations, and its interests, undoubtedly are not "America First". India and China often have military conflict along the border over disputed territory. Muslims as mentioned in the video, while they are in the majority peaceful, do have an extremist element which are a threat to everyone- to Muslim, and non-Muslim alike. However, this as is pointed out regarding Malaysia, can be managed by careful government policy.
In the US today, we essentially have a business elite which successfully lobbies congress, to implement amongst other things, aggressive foreign policy under the guise of national safety. This aggressive foreign policy often leads to conflict, and a business elite sponsored media cry of concern about US security, if US congress isn't displaying military dominance. These political class demands tend to involve the US in unnecessary wars of poor choice, or wars for political or military control of other countries natural resources. Consider for example, how much military involvement the US has in the middle east. Or the recent attempted Coup d'etat in Bolivia, that is likely related to Lithium for electric vehicles.
Is the world a perfect place? While in this video the benign nature of Muslims, China and Russia is emphasised. This is not entirely correct. Although personally, I think Putin, is a reasonable person. The US is unlikely to agree with him, but it was a poor decision to pick a fight with him when negotiation was the option that the Russian president would have preferred. The US would have done better not to increase the size of the Russian army, by starting an unnecessary war. But then that can be blamed, on corruption in the funding of US congressmen. Essentially bribery is not that far from the typical US politician.
The US has valid security concerns, but I would argue that diplomacy is not evil. The US should talk to Russia and China. Their argument that the US is lilly white, and Russia and China are the devil incarnate, is unreasonable political rubbish used to support the military industrial complex, and in my opinion used in defrauding the US public of money spent on unnecessary wars, that would not be required if the US followed normal foreign policy.
Now as for China, it does have military capability, as does Russia. In the modern age, this is a nuclear capability. Unfortunately, instead of devoting more effort to diplomatic means the US is devoting more effort to military dominance, which suits the US weapons manufacturers.
Not only so, as this international foreign policy stance is not supportable by rational thought, the US businessmen and some government administrative staff are turning towards government control of social media to garner public support.
The public square is also under threat by the extreme socialists in Europe. These socialists are pro-war, and have little in common with traditional family values, and therefore a stable well adjusted society. They are tending towards a religious fervour in their belief that their ideals, can be turned into reality, even when they can not. The economic growth of a Christian country like Russia, and reduction in crime, is abhorrent to them. As it shows to the public that their ideology is defective, and therefore a well managed Russia, free from their ideology, threatens their own political future.

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