One Hour Of Colombian Communist Music

5 months ago

Previous version of this video was removed by YouTube, but that just gives me the opportunity to remake it better than before. The previous video only had FARC music, when reality the FARC was only one of the movements that operated as part of the Simón Bolívar Guerrilla Coordinating Board. This improved video now includes music from all four of the main guerrilla groups, as well as a song dedicated to the Coordinating Board itself that itself sings about each of the four groups.

==Simón Bolívar Guerrilla Coordinating Board==
0:00 Regresó Simón (Simón Has Returned) [FARC]
5:00 La Internacional (The Internationale) [M-19]

==Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia==
8:35 Himno de las FARC-EP (Anthem of the FARC-EP)
11:13 Otra Canción (Other Song)
16:22 Cumbia Fariana (Fariano Cumbia)
19:33 Homenaje a Manuel Marulanda (Homage to Manuel Marulanda)

==19th of April Movement==
24:19 Himno a la Paz (Hymn to Peace)
28:19 La Ley del Embudo (The Law of the Funnel)
31:50 Seremos Libres los Colombianos (We Colombians Will Be Free)
35:00 Homenaje a Bateman (Homage to Bateman)

==National Liberation Army==
38:37 Himno del ELN (Anthem of the ELN)
43:06 Vamos a Triunfar (We Will Triumph)
46:36 Rojo y Negro (Red and Black)
50:09 Camilo Torres, el Cura Guerrillero (Camilo Torres, the Guerrilla Priest)

==Popular Liberation Army==
53:14 El Turbión (The Storm)
56:14 El Guerrillero (The Guerrilla)
59:24 Aquí Estamos de Regreso (Here We Are Again)
1:02:26 Corrido de Megateo (Ballad of Megateo)

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