Flat Tow

7 months ago

IDO, join the wave! Toledo G Fest is back. Toledo G Fest presented by Dana is August 2nd through the fourth downtown Toledo. Catch the Yark All G Parade, Park and Shine, Car Show and Vendor Midway. Live music, delicious food and fun for the entire family.
(laughs) Details, they're working on it right now. Details at ToledoGFest.com. So Greg Henderson's with us today in his active shop, as you can hear in the background. - Yeah, you might hear a couple of noises here and there. My son is currently fabricating a project. He's in a back room with the door shut, but we still have a little bit of noise.
Again, Unofficial Use Only is not a giant shop where,
you know, we do big things in a very small shop. So there's definitely gonna be a few background noises, but he stopped with the plasma cutting and the grinding. So he's in another room for a bit.
- Doing man shit in a man shop, is this gonna be noisy? - Yes.
- All right, on tonight's episode in our news stories, flat towing a Jeep, surely, or I should say surely, you know about flat towing Jeeps, Greg, because you're gonna be the one that we're gonna be talking to about it. - I do know a thing or two about flat towing a Jeep. - Good, and the Gladiator update, and yes, this is raising its ugly head again, Greg. You'll see where I'm going with this later. Lower control arm skids. And it's basically the subtitle is "Why the Hell Not?" and "Must Have for Your Jeep Recovery Kit." - Are you ready? - It's time for the Jeep Dog Show with hosts Tony, Josh, Wendy, and Chuck.
- And Greg, you probably don't remember. This is the part where you introduce yourself, but we've kind of already done that.
- Hi, I'm Greg Henderson from Unofficial Use Only, and I'm proud, well, I don't know about proud, but I'm really excited to do a few of these episodes and see where it goes. I've been a very happy listener of the Jeep Talk Show for a long time, and I do the Zoom Room stuff, so it's really fun to kind of help you host a little bit. - Oh, yeah. - And see if it works and if it helps out. And if anybody wants to hear any of the drivel that comes out of my mouth. - And you've been actually getting some feedback from people enjoying you on the show, haven't you? - I don't know, I haven't read any of it. (laughing) - Okay, so I don't want to talk about it, all right. - I did get a couple phone calls from people saying that they really liked the edition,
but again, I have not gone on the YouTubes or anything and read any of the comments, because even you said that there was a couple. And hopefully they're not all bad. - No negative ones, that they're always positive for the show. Occasionally we get a couple of negatives, but they're fun. They're fun to get negatives. - Right.
Well, and hey, all comments are good comments, right? If you think something that I say or something that Tony says is drivel, let us know. - Oh, absolutely. - It's really important to get the feedback.
Like even on my personal channels, on my anything unofficial use only on Facebook or Instagram or YouTube, I don't censor anything ever. - No. - If all comments are good comments, because it helps me learn and it helps me grow as a person. So, if you don't like something that I do, please let me know, it's important. - Yeah, I'm absolutely the same way here. The whole show is just like that. We don't mind any comments. We always share all those comments with everybody. I mean, if you do a review, we read them here on the show. All right, Greg. So, I don't know if you've heard about this or even care. There is a recall for 94,000 wranglers. Well, a possible recall for 94,000 wranglers. And it's the 2021 through current four by ease.
- What's the recall? Cause I know they've had a few. - So, the US government's auto safety agency is investigating a potential loss of motive, which confuses the hell out of me. I mean, it's not motivated. Anyway, a loss of motive power in more than 94,000 Jeep Wrangler four by ease vehicles, after receiving complaints for cars outside the scope on early recall involving an engine shutdown condition in the same SUV model. So, I take this to mean that it won't go. You press the little skinny thing and it doesn't go.
- That sounds like that might be what it is, but I don't know either. - I wonder if they charged it. That might be the case.
- It's possible. Maybe they didn't charge it or they had their door open before they put it in gear and it won't go.

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