Rage on Fire

8 months ago


If You fail to protect your elections you deserve what you get.
Period. Where are the big tech apologies? I be waiting like. Ever notice
You can not come to Us and whine, oh woe is me? WE warned you in Braille n thump any head wiggling
on top of some shoulder or other hoping wit have a chance to spread?
Nope no takers on that fearsom foreign jazz.
Known by her masters as Mme Truth.
You knew that election was stolen any grade 8 litttle girl could see if. Even if she be only half pay attention. Why else blacken all the vote-counting rooms?
To keep Republican vote counter covid bugs out? They was the danger
I never heard tell on the rasion detra pon dat.
Armed cops just in case them germs got uppity?
OK I buy anything My two year old be selling?
all a ya be so full a lies you swallow the lies of others like mother's milk. No difference in the taste of the swill. Fugg Me so sad.

Notice I did not say nursing person's milk. Just so ya notice. We do not wanna step over that addition to human cognition n grip on reality even some?
They do not fear the security keeping republican vote counter assistants out of the labor in every principality they could. This was Big Tech's idea of new-found power.
Juvenile delinquents geek n misfit juvenile delinquents with a resentment on God for not making them
miser-infested think, gods too?
Or whatever the whine, those kinda folk always been so boring no one wanted them in heaven.

But once they begin to notice them own reflection with glasses onn, this time. The whole world be eager to welcome You Home. And enjoy thy hard earned radiance with you n you inn
MmMe n Our Royal Family be first in line. I hate consigning My own kids to their well-deserved hell.
That is My very very very last resort please please do not push Me there. My Promise is to My God first You second Our Queens third n Me last n My Job is to ensure We all win.
You be so lucky Your moms be show up now.
Calling Me to account.
As King I get away with not a thing. Praying yet still to win My true
Crown. Only after all My debts be paid.
Nn then I can too. Be How it Be set Up. And I be a obedient boy now. Not always I never ever, ever said that. But now I be not so bad as I was. Try just reading Revelation once in a while n seee what happens to yer wits Warms Daddy B

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