Tucker Carlson with Catherine Herridge ex CBS.

14 hours ago

Why did CBS News fire Catherine Herridge and seize her reporting records? And how the Press Act can save the country.

(1:19) The Trump vs. Biden Debate
(12:46) How Newsrooms Have Changed
(18:02) Journalists Held Captive by Intel Agencies
(24:06) The Rise of Independent News Organizations
(30:27) Herridge’s Records, Research, and Reports Being Seized
(32:34) Was Herridge Fired for Reporting on Hunter Biden’s Laptop?
(46:24) Exposing the Failures of the U.S. Defense Department
(55:04) The Press Act
(1:10:23) X
(1:14:39) The Golden Era of News
(1:17:46) Herridge’s Next Big Story

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