Called Out To A Greater Calling | 1 Samuel 10:1

3 months ago

Is God calling you to call something out or to a calling of greater capacity?

Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

This week, we are in 1 Samuel 10. I've titled this chapter "The Appointed But Reluctant Leader."

Today, we pick up the story in verse one:

Then Samuel took a flask of oil and poured it on his head and kissed him and said, “Has not the Lord anointed you to be prince over his people Israel? And you shall reign over the people of the Lord and you will save them from the hand of their surrounding enemies. And this shall be the sign to you that the Lord has anointed you to be prince over his heritage. — 1 Samuel 10:1

So, to recap: The night before, Saul was unaware of what was going on. He thought he was still searching for his father's lost donkeys. But then, unexpectedly, he found himself at the head of a special banquet and sleeping on a bed on the roof of Samuel's house. The next morning, as he was leaving the city, Samuel accompanied him. After sending his servant ahead, Samuel took out his anointing oil, which had previously only been used to anoint priests, and anointed Saul. He respectfully kissed Saul and declared him to be the prince or king of Israel, explaining his role: to reign over and save the people.

This is a key moment in the story. So, let me speak to Samuel's and Saul's reading with me today.

First, for the "Samuels," which would include anyone in spiritual leadership of any kind, whether in the home or the church, sometimes you need to stop and speak into the divine moments of life. When you feel God is about to do something or is presently doing something, stop and point it out. You have a responsibility to do this. Sometimes, it needs to be done privately, as Samuel does here. Other times, it needs to be done publicly, as Samuel will do in the coming verses. But either way, stop and speak it. "Samuels," or "spiritually mature believers," should see God's work more readily, and there are apparent moments in everyday life that are walking along that we should stop and speak into with greater reverence. In my own life, I have missed many of these moments, but today I stop and speak into them with greater frequency, especially in my family with my wife and children. And you should, too.

Second, for the "Sauls," which would include anyone being called to a new and special task in this life, sometimes you need to stop trusting your feelings and start trusting the unchanging Word of the Lord. Saul had already received several divine confirmations up to this point through circumstances, a prophet of the Lord, and there would be several more signs to come. However, given all this, he refused to trust the leading, the Word, the signs, the anointing, and the confirmation of the Spirit. Saul, unfortunately, only trusted his feelings because the capacity of the task was too great for him. So if the task God has given you seems too great like it was for Saul, my exhortation to you today is—good. Step into this great task in faith, knowing you cannot do it and let God do it, and when it is done, praise the God who did it through you.

#DivineCalling, #AnointedForGreater, #FaithfulObedience

Ask This:
How can you cultivate a greater awareness of God's divine moments in your life, whether privately or publicly, to speak into them with reverence and obedience?
In what areas of your life do you find it challenging to trust God's leading over your feelings? How can you actively step out in faith, embracing the tasks God has called you to, knowing He will equip and guide you?
Do This:
Call out divine work, and trust faith, not your fears.

Pray This:
Father, help me to recognize and respond obediently to Your divine appointments in my life, trusting Your guidance over my understanding. Empower me with faith to embrace the tasks You have called me to, knowing that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. Am

Play This:
Trust In God.

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