National Convention Update - 7-11-24

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I am packing my bags for next week’s Republican National Convention. All next week I’ll be sharing members-only podcasts with a daily digest of important events. I’ll be your source of insider info and the stories behind the stories that might be unfolding.

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In today’s podcast, I discuss the story behind the story on Trump’s platform and how it was passed. I share some inside knowledge on what is happening in the rules committee and what we can expect, and I share an expected controversy that might unfold tomorrow over the Missouri delegation.

Links discussed:

My report on the Michigan alternate electors, how they may have been set up by a Mike Flynn attorney and a Koch loyalist and Flynn insider.

This Axios piece provides a great summary of what to expect next week and what is the intent behind Trump’s platform.

Here is the entire 16-page platform. It’s well worth the read.

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